For years, friends told me to try adding music to my runs or walks. I laughed...I looked at folks trotting down the sidewalk with a radio or MP3 player on their hip, arm or somewheres else and thought they looked silly.
Ok, so then I bought an MP3 player. I actually use it for audio books as I drive. In my opinion, nothing is more enjoyable than to plug in s good book and listen while you drive...but not while I exercise. For some reason I just can not divide my attention to listen to the book. So I decided to give the whole "exercise to music" concept a try.
A little history first....
When I was in College...about 100 years ago, or so it seems, I had to have 4 credits of PE to graduate. So, 1 credit was the required "Health", which was taught by perhaps one of the most uninspiring instructors I had ever...or have since seen! 1 credit was the required "swimming" and that left two credits that I had to fill. Well, I actually did three credits...3 aerobic dance classes! Let me paint a and 29 women (remember, because of title "whatever" you can not they had no choice but allow me in.) and I was forced to the front of the room...I didn't care. I had no dance skills...I did not care...and I had a teacher that gave me a hard time...did I mention I did not care. What I cared about was figuring out how to do this and get something out of it. I was NOT going to play tennis, or any other out door sport!!!
So after I finished the first class...I asked the teacher...who had gotten marginally friendlier...what the second class was gonna be about. When she said creating routines and music...well I signed up. See, I have no rhythm...I don't mean I am clumsy...clumsy doesn't cover it. But I figured if I could learn to do this I would not be so clumsy. Well, it sort of worked...I did a routine and did the music...and got an A. I still don't dance in public...people think I am doing a physical stand up comedy routine...or worse, that I am having a seizure!!! LOL
So let's come forward to modern day....
I figured...I can do music and run/walk to it....ah wrong. First, I can not just walk or run to just any music. Beat is important...and it's gotta be something somewhat inspiring! Second, I can only really use it on the machine work outs (tread mills, elipticals, stairmasters) because I need my ears on the sides of the road so I can hear the cars.
Regardless, I am getting better...and I have made a couple of discoveries that might help others.
1. Make 2 play of warm up/cool down music and one of workout music. The difference...the first playlist is interchangable...and with a click you can go to it. The second play list is just for pushing you a reason to go...maybe kick it a little harder.
2. Don't make the playlists static. All MP3 players allow you to shuffle...and once you have identified a playlist then you can shuffle just it. In the case of my Phillips GoGear Vibe, I can have 3 play lists. In other words, I can use a different song to start he warm up...and then after 5-10 minutes go to the work out play list and click a song to ramp up...after that it is random...but you know the music you have on the list will keep you going. Once you are ready to slow down, click back over to the first play list and hit the forward button until you find a good song...and cool down.
My play lists look like this:
PL 1...Warm/cool
Need you now Lady Antebellum
Teardrop Massive Attack (The Theme From House)
All she wants to do is Dance Don Henley
Good Run of Bad Luck Clint Black (From Maverick)
Lock and Load Bob Seger
All Star Smash Mouth
Prisoner of the Highway Ronnie Milsap
Run George Strait
Dead or Alive Bon Jovi
PL 2...Workout
Lost Highway (From Wild Hogs) Bon Jovi
Renegade, Rebels and Rogues (From Maverick) Tracy Lawerence
Dare (From Transformers 1980's Movie vers.) Stan Bush
The Touch (From Transformers 1980's Movie vers.) Stan Bush
Man in Motion (St. Elmo's Fire) John Parr
Ain't going down til the sun comes up Garth Brooks
Poker Face (Listen to the music not the lyrics!) Lady Gaga
Life is a Highway (From Cars) Rascal Flatts
Thunderbirds are Go! (From the movie) Busted
Shakedown (Beverly Hills Cop 2) Bob Seger
Footloose (From the movie) Kenny Loggins
Neither of these lists are complete...but they give you an idea of just what a confused musical taste I have!
One major requirement for my music is that it be something positive or something with a comfortable beat. I don't get Lady Gaga....but Poker Face has a great walking beat, just ignore the lyrics. Dare and The Touch are songs that say "You can do it!". "Need You Now" is pretty, but has a beat that gets me into step.
The key is to find the music the speaks to you!
So, whatever you do...add music to the routine. What I have found is that during a particular song or two I find that extra burst of energy. Tonight I was on the eliptical here at West Memphis and I was listening. When it got to "Thunderbirds are go!" and "Ain't going down til the sun comes up" I pushed harder...hard enough the machine started flashing...slow down! If you had told me I could make a machine do that 3 months ago...I would have laughed!
So, until next safe!
This is my I move along the journey to a healthier me. I don't intend to be preachy...or even teachy...I do intend to be honest and follow a wise peice of advice from the beginning of a book I read once: "If you can not be a good example, then at least be a dire warning!" Hope all of you enjoy it!
My first 60 days

Where I came from...and the direction I am heading!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
My recent Journey...and some results
When I came out f the house last time....I did so in an odd mood. Oh it wasn't anything wrong at home, I am just not used to rolling out on a Sunday. But that seemed to begin the avalanche of excuses. For weeks, I had been following the Isagenix nutrition plan...eating carefully and exercising everyday.
Actually, my run began in a very promising way...I did my longest jog to date on my first day out on the road. But I found it a lot easier to say "just this one extra" or "Ok, pizza today and I will be better tomorrow". One day became 2 weeks...and I found myself eating more...but still exercising...and not feeling really great.
And then I looked at me....I was losing the gains I had made...and I was scared to step on a scale.
For those who don't know me, I was in the Army Reserves and I was over weight then too. If you weigh more than authorized you must weighed and get taped every drill weekend. I am about as phobic as a person can be about even stepping on a scale...knowing I am screwing up makes it worse.
Finally, on Sunday 16 June I stepped on the scale...just to know how bad off I was. I was at I had gained 3 pounds. So, I focused on doing the best I could for the rest of the week.
I was not perfect...but I was close. I worked hard and spent a fair amount of my time reminding myself that this was do-able and remembering what I had accomplished so far...which was quite a bit, honestly. And then my cleanse days came...Friday and Saturday.
For some odd reason Friday and Saturday seem to be the best days to do a cleanse. I even had a bit of a disagreement with an Nurse friend of mine (Who is a dear friend!! And we will agree to disagree sometimes)...over cleansing...I think I won...but I at least drew on it. Cleansing is NOT starvation....anymore than giving a patient, who has a "nothing by mouth" order, an IV for sustenance is starving them.
So I did my two day cleanse. And during the week I exercised everyday...the last three days (Fri thru Sun) were a 6 mile walk, a 4.7 mile walk and 45 minutes on machines (25 on an elliptical and 15 on a recumbent bike and 5 minute of weights) for a total of 6.8 miles.
My results...267 to a week. And since my last official report...a release of 9 pounds and 9 inches. Now, I don't suggest that everyone can get these results. One thing about Isagenix is that when your body is ready, the weight will fall off...but one must trust the system to feed the body so the body can do the miracles that it was designed to do.
I also got my recent blood work back from the Doctor....
Test 2010 2011
Cholesterol 155 123
HDL 42 35
LDL 102 75
Triglycerides 127 47
Glucose 118 92
Add to this that my Blood pressure has dropped from about 137/86 to 111/70 in the past three months....the program is working.
I began this journey at 319 I am 255. I can walk further than I have in a long, long time...and I can even jog. I am looking forward to taking my new pair of new balance running shoes for a spin when I get home again.
So what did I learn??
1. Stick to the plan...a celebration is great, but is a one meal event...not a week long gorge.
2. Remind myself "why"
3. Don't give up....even when you know you done wrong you can go back and do better.
4. Don't beat yourself up...exercise is better
5. Learn your numbers....and get used to knowing them. Any change you make will show up in you blood work before it will show up externally....know your numbers.
For anyone interested in Isagenix...check out my website
Or you can post on here...I would love to tell you how miracles like this can happen to you.
Safe travels
Actually, my run began in a very promising way...I did my longest jog to date on my first day out on the road. But I found it a lot easier to say "just this one extra" or "Ok, pizza today and I will be better tomorrow". One day became 2 weeks...and I found myself eating more...but still exercising...and not feeling really great.
And then I looked at me....I was losing the gains I had made...and I was scared to step on a scale.
For those who don't know me, I was in the Army Reserves and I was over weight then too. If you weigh more than authorized you must weighed and get taped every drill weekend. I am about as phobic as a person can be about even stepping on a scale...knowing I am screwing up makes it worse.
Finally, on Sunday 16 June I stepped on the scale...just to know how bad off I was. I was at I had gained 3 pounds. So, I focused on doing the best I could for the rest of the week.
I was not perfect...but I was close. I worked hard and spent a fair amount of my time reminding myself that this was do-able and remembering what I had accomplished so far...which was quite a bit, honestly. And then my cleanse days came...Friday and Saturday.
For some odd reason Friday and Saturday seem to be the best days to do a cleanse. I even had a bit of a disagreement with an Nurse friend of mine (Who is a dear friend!! And we will agree to disagree sometimes)...over cleansing...I think I won...but I at least drew on it. Cleansing is NOT starvation....anymore than giving a patient, who has a "nothing by mouth" order, an IV for sustenance is starving them.
So I did my two day cleanse. And during the week I exercised everyday...the last three days (Fri thru Sun) were a 6 mile walk, a 4.7 mile walk and 45 minutes on machines (25 on an elliptical and 15 on a recumbent bike and 5 minute of weights) for a total of 6.8 miles.
My results...267 to a week. And since my last official report...a release of 9 pounds and 9 inches. Now, I don't suggest that everyone can get these results. One thing about Isagenix is that when your body is ready, the weight will fall off...but one must trust the system to feed the body so the body can do the miracles that it was designed to do.
I also got my recent blood work back from the Doctor....
Test 2010 2011
Cholesterol 155 123
HDL 42 35
LDL 102 75
Triglycerides 127 47
Glucose 118 92
Add to this that my Blood pressure has dropped from about 137/86 to 111/70 in the past three months....the program is working.
I began this journey at 319 I am 255. I can walk further than I have in a long, long time...and I can even jog. I am looking forward to taking my new pair of new balance running shoes for a spin when I get home again.
So what did I learn??
1. Stick to the plan...a celebration is great, but is a one meal event...not a week long gorge.
2. Remind myself "why"
3. Don't give up....even when you know you done wrong you can go back and do better.
4. Don't beat yourself up...exercise is better
5. Learn your numbers....and get used to knowing them. Any change you make will show up in you blood work before it will show up externally....know your numbers.
For anyone interested in Isagenix...check out my website
Or you can post on here...I would love to tell you how miracles like this can happen to you.
Safe travels
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Chutes and Ladders
When I started my Journey along the path to a healthier me I met two types of people. Type 1 are the folks who were and are supportive...and like me see nothing but success on the road ahead. The second type are those who can come up with a number of reasons why this won't work. Of course they have the standard prediction that "you are not always going to lose weigh that fast". Some would say they are jealous...I think a few are mis-guided...and some are just unhappy.
Now the reason that these people always make that prediction is's true. You will slow down at some point, if you are a healthy, normal person. So Dah...yeah...not exactly Carnak.
In a real way, trying to lose weight is an adult version of "Chutes and Ladders"...some days you are climbing and climbing and so proud of where you have gotten to...and there is the chute that brings you back to normal. I see a journey as anything but a straight's gonna have's gonna have obstacles.
In the past two weeks, I have had a detour....I actually gained 3 pounds. And it's not the end of the world. I had not faced a problem like this in awhile....and not on Isagenix. So, lets look it how this moron gained weight...(once again) Dah...Pizza...junk food...a couple of hamburgers. I also decided a couple of days to take a break from exercise. Now, was it noticable...not really to anyone else...but it was to me.
So, what did I learn? I feel better when I stick to the plan...have my nutrition from Isa products and healthier meals and snacks. While I will have pizza again...I have a goal to meet before I may have some. I also learned a very basic and important lesson; it was not the was me. The path to success has more to do with me being disciplined and less with counting anything.
So I hit a chute....slid for awhile...and I found a rung and grabbed. I hung there while I got a reminder of where I want to be...and started climbing again. The last three days have had 1 hour walking or running sessions.
So, in the spirit of being " Dire warning, if I can not be a good example"....slides will happen...but don't give up...remember what got you here...realize you are human...and that yes, tomorrow is a new day. Start again....and climb for your goal....just like I am.
Safe travels!
Now the reason that these people always make that prediction is's true. You will slow down at some point, if you are a healthy, normal person. So Dah...yeah...not exactly Carnak.
In a real way, trying to lose weight is an adult version of "Chutes and Ladders"...some days you are climbing and climbing and so proud of where you have gotten to...and there is the chute that brings you back to normal. I see a journey as anything but a straight's gonna have's gonna have obstacles.
In the past two weeks, I have had a detour....I actually gained 3 pounds. And it's not the end of the world. I had not faced a problem like this in awhile....and not on Isagenix. So, lets look it how this moron gained weight...(once again) Dah...Pizza...junk food...a couple of hamburgers. I also decided a couple of days to take a break from exercise. Now, was it noticable...not really to anyone else...but it was to me.
So, what did I learn? I feel better when I stick to the plan...have my nutrition from Isa products and healthier meals and snacks. While I will have pizza again...I have a goal to meet before I may have some. I also learned a very basic and important lesson; it was not the was me. The path to success has more to do with me being disciplined and less with counting anything.
So I hit a chute....slid for awhile...and I found a rung and grabbed. I hung there while I got a reminder of where I want to be...and started climbing again. The last three days have had 1 hour walking or running sessions.
So, in the spirit of being " Dire warning, if I can not be a good example"....slides will happen...but don't give up...remember what got you here...realize you are human...and that yes, tomorrow is a new day. Start again....and climb for your goal....just like I am.
Safe travels!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
The Odyssey...or the Idiocy...Hmmm
Greetings all!
Since I started my weight loss journey nearly 2 months ago, exercise has been a consistent part of my life. Generally speaking I spend an hour a night walking, or some nights run/walking, where ever I am. One of the things I am in the habit of is a long walk about every couple of weeks...something to push the limits and test my body and will.
So when I came home the Greeneway was an obvious choice. So, let me explain...the Greeneway is a trail that was named for a past Mayor of North Augusta. It began in 1996, but by the time I discovered it, it was 4.6 miles long. But as you are about to read...there have been a few changes.
First, I discovered last month that the "northern end" of the trail had been extended beyond I 20, but just beyond I 20....and I doubt it will go much further due to a housing developement. I used Google Earth to take a "measurement" and it's an addition of about .9 of a mile.
So today, I decided to do a run/walk and do the Greeneway from end to end and back. In other words, about 11 miles. Well, something happened in the end that I have not been down in awhile...more expansion. You see North Augusta is building a new section near the Savannah river...and now they have created a loop in the Greeneway so you can walk around it and see the river. Also, they have a new 1/2 mile stretch along the access road to the Golf Course (but when you get to the end of it make sure you turn around as it is clearly marked that it is Private Property..Keep out).
So with the new stretch added in...and since I did promise myself to walk the whole stinking thing...I walked 13 miles in 3 hours and 40 mins. Yes, that was me wearing the Camelback and sometimes trotting down the path. And it was so humid that by the time I finished I had not adry stitch on!
For locals, this is a wonderful is paved and well shaded in many places. Cyclists, walkers and runners share this path. So if you are in the area...give it a try for some exercise!
Now, I am heading to my legs and back are both saying some really painful things to me...yep, nothing is free!
Since I started my weight loss journey nearly 2 months ago, exercise has been a consistent part of my life. Generally speaking I spend an hour a night walking, or some nights run/walking, where ever I am. One of the things I am in the habit of is a long walk about every couple of weeks...something to push the limits and test my body and will.
So when I came home the Greeneway was an obvious choice. So, let me explain...the Greeneway is a trail that was named for a past Mayor of North Augusta. It began in 1996, but by the time I discovered it, it was 4.6 miles long. But as you are about to read...there have been a few changes.
First, I discovered last month that the "northern end" of the trail had been extended beyond I 20, but just beyond I 20....and I doubt it will go much further due to a housing developement. I used Google Earth to take a "measurement" and it's an addition of about .9 of a mile.
So today, I decided to do a run/walk and do the Greeneway from end to end and back. In other words, about 11 miles. Well, something happened in the end that I have not been down in awhile...more expansion. You see North Augusta is building a new section near the Savannah river...and now they have created a loop in the Greeneway so you can walk around it and see the river. Also, they have a new 1/2 mile stretch along the access road to the Golf Course (but when you get to the end of it make sure you turn around as it is clearly marked that it is Private Property..Keep out).
So with the new stretch added in...and since I did promise myself to walk the whole stinking thing...I walked 13 miles in 3 hours and 40 mins. Yes, that was me wearing the Camelback and sometimes trotting down the path. And it was so humid that by the time I finished I had not adry stitch on!
For locals, this is a wonderful is paved and well shaded in many places. Cyclists, walkers and runners share this path. So if you are in the area...give it a try for some exercise!
Now, I am heading to my legs and back are both saying some really painful things to me...yep, nothing is free!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Knowing your numbers
My employer encourages us to get a "bio-metric screening" every year. And they actually bribe us...$250 deposited in our flex spending account. So this year, after nearly 2 months of Isagenix, I decided to do it. Now truck drivers are notorious for unhealthy lifestyles. We eat all the wrong things, rarely exercise and generally are know for the truck stop buffet...all you can eat, of course.
As it turns out my numbers have become very good. My Cholesterol is 120, LDL only 74 but I need to boost my HDL from 30 to above 40. And while it is annoying to know I need to do a follow up in about 3 months, it is comforting to know that I am well...and will stay that way as long as I make wise choices like using Isagenix products.
So, for anyone who is considering starting an exercise program or want to lose weight, I suggest getting a screen done or go for an annual physical. It takes a few minutes and will tell you things about yourself that you did not even know!
Hang in there...and remember...It's a journey...not a race!
As it turns out my numbers have become very good. My Cholesterol is 120, LDL only 74 but I need to boost my HDL from 30 to above 40. And while it is annoying to know I need to do a follow up in about 3 months, it is comforting to know that I am well...and will stay that way as long as I make wise choices like using Isagenix products.
So, for anyone who is considering starting an exercise program or want to lose weight, I suggest getting a screen done or go for an annual physical. It takes a few minutes and will tell you things about yourself that you did not even know!
Hang in there...and remember...It's a journey...not a race!
Friday, May 20, 2011
First Steps
Creating a blog is a little like deciding what clothes to wear. No one wants to admit things that are embarassing...but then again one must be real and no one is perfect.
I have been working hard to lose weight over the past 7 weeks....and I have achieved more than I expected. And I am going to continue. Some of this blog will be abot my exercise sessions...some about my meal and nutrition. I am using Isagenix for my nutrition...and if you have questions feel free to ask!
Well, that all for now...more later
I have been working hard to lose weight over the past 7 weeks....and I have achieved more than I expected. And I am going to continue. Some of this blog will be abot my exercise sessions...some about my meal and nutrition. I am using Isagenix for my nutrition...and if you have questions feel free to ask!
Well, that all for now...more later
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